Sending a query letter can be frustrating, especially if you receive no response. In one hour, I can help you understand the agent response.
Schedule a Query Coaching Session
If you are an author who wishes to be published by a reputable traditional publisher, then your route typically goes through a literary agent. When you send a query letter, typically you receive little more than dead air. This can be very frustrating. No one tells you what’s wrong and what’s right.
I’ve sent over 300 query letters myself, and helped authors with hundreds more. I’ve landed positive responses from many top agents, and I’ve been represented by several of these wonderful agents. In a consultation, I can take a look at your query and sample pages and tell you what is intriguing to an agent, and what works or doesn’t work in your query and sample.
As Jane Friedman points out, “a query letter has one purpose, and one purpose only: to seduce the agent or editor into reading or requesting your work.” I am not an agent or a publisher, but I keep my finger on the pulse of the publishing industry, and I can tell you if your seduction is effective.
My role as a book coach is to push you forward to the finish line of completing your book and bringing your story into the world.
Let’s go!
Schedule a Query Coaching Session
My fee for a query consult is $225.
Note: The form above provides a way to paste in your query letter and writing sample. Please ensure these critical items are included so I can evaluate your work in advance.